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Monday, December 22, 2008
Creative and Fun Christmas Present
“It was the most fun party I have been to in a long time.” Nancy shared her hilarious experience at a baby shower this past weekend where the guests were in stitches from what she described as, “A very unique, innovative and clever product.” It is called the WeeMinder Potty Training Kit and it consists of a cute red electronic watch-like device that the toddler wears that sings a catchy song to remind them to go potty. It is accompanied by an adorable storybook and DVD. The hostess played the DVD on the TV and everyone was engaged and intrigued singing the “Hop to the Potty Place” song. Some of the funniest lyrics are:
“Put a big smile on your face and hop, hop, hop to the Potty Place. When you get there try to wee or woo, sit there and
wait to go pee or poo. Won’t it be great you’re doing it mate, you’re a big Potty Animal now!”
The musical potty watch has three time settings: 1 hour, 2 hours, or 2.5 hrs. It can be turned ON and OFF and is fun to play with for all ages. Everyone was singing, “Hey kids you know what time it is? It’s Potty Time!” At the end, there are kids’ giggling, which is so contagious it became the life of the party that will not be forgotten.
I can see this party gift not only being perfect for Christmas, baby showers, and toddler birthday parties, but at Retirement parties, 40th or 50th birthday parties or even graduation parties and any age birthday party where the birthday girl or boy likes a good laugh.
The name WeeMinder itself puts a little smirk on everyone’s face and invites those with creative minds to add to the play on words, which as you know tends to bring snorts of laughter, belly busting gut aches and tears of joy-the perfect combination for a fun-filled party.
I know the WeeMinder Potty Training Kit is a great aid in potty training as well, but there is just something about potty talk that humors us human beings at any age. I know in many families like mine the loudest toy or ugliest doll find has been the best way we knew how to show the crazy loved one how much we care, but this clever and innovative gadget will top them all. I think I have outdone myself this year in finding the most creative and fun Christmas present of all. Feel free to copy my idea and bring laughter to your upcoming celebrations. Just be sure to wee-member the tissue!!!!!
“Put a big smile on your face and hop, hop, hop to the Potty Place. When you get there try to wee or woo, sit there and
wait to go pee or poo. Won’t it be great you’re doing it mate, you’re a big Potty Animal now!”
The musical potty watch has three time settings: 1 hour, 2 hours, or 2.5 hrs. It can be turned ON and OFF and is fun to play with for all ages. Everyone was singing, “Hey kids you know what time it is? It’s Potty Time!” At the end, there are kids’ giggling, which is so contagious it became the life of the party that will not be forgotten.
I can see this party gift not only being perfect for Christmas, baby showers, and toddler birthday parties, but at Retirement parties, 40th or 50th birthday parties or even graduation parties and any age birthday party where the birthday girl or boy likes a good laugh.
The name WeeMinder itself puts a little smirk on everyone’s face and invites those with creative minds to add to the play on words, which as you know tends to bring snorts of laughter, belly busting gut aches and tears of joy-the perfect combination for a fun-filled party.
I know the WeeMinder Potty Training Kit is a great aid in potty training as well, but there is just something about potty talk that humors us human beings at any age. I know in many families like mine the loudest toy or ugliest doll find has been the best way we knew how to show the crazy loved one how much we care, but this clever and innovative gadget will top them all. I think I have outdone myself this year in finding the most creative and fun Christmas present of all. Feel free to copy my idea and bring laughter to your upcoming celebrations. Just be sure to wee-member the tissue!!!!!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What's the best potty training aid?
What’s the Best Potty Training Aid?
Need help getting your child potty trained? You are not alone! The frustration you are feeling is not unusual. Who likes to clean up urine and feces? I mean that is what we are talking about. right? I know that for a potty trained adult it is natural to get frustrated and it is hard to understand why it is so hard to just go potty in the TOILET!!!! But all of the experts say, “Don’t show your frustration to the potty trainer!” AAAHHH!!!! Well, what you need is a little help. A potty training aid is all it takes to turn things around for you and your little potty trainer.
There are many choices when shopping for a potty training aid. Several potty training books and DVDS are fun for the whole family and there are even electronic devices now that aid in reminding the child to try and go potty in a fun way. Personally, I suggest a book, DVD and device that works together and has a theme that helps your child become invested in the process.
Well you have come to the right place because the only potty training system out there is the WeeMinder Potty Training Kit. It has a book, DVD, and WeeMinder Watch that work together ingeniously.
1. The book is entitled, “Wally’s WeeMinder Potty Training Adventure”, which showcases Wally the Wallaby who is reminded by his WeeMinder to go to the Potty Place.
2. The WeeMinder DVD is the book coming to life and a music video that teaches the catchy, “Hop to the Potty Place” song.
3. The WeeMinder Watch sings, “Put a big smile on your face and hop, hop, hop to the Potty Place” every hour, two or 2.5 hours.
It is under $20.00 and this potty training aid will hand over the control and pride of potty training to your child. It makes potty training fun and easy. .
So stop beating yourself up for getting upset from the accidents and give yourself a break by using the help of a potty training aid.
Need help getting your child potty trained? You are not alone! The frustration you are feeling is not unusual. Who likes to clean up urine and feces? I mean that is what we are talking about. right? I know that for a potty trained adult it is natural to get frustrated and it is hard to understand why it is so hard to just go potty in the TOILET!!!! But all of the experts say, “Don’t show your frustration to the potty trainer!” AAAHHH!!!! Well, what you need is a little help. A potty training aid is all it takes to turn things around for you and your little potty trainer.
There are many choices when shopping for a potty training aid. Several potty training books and DVDS are fun for the whole family and there are even electronic devices now that aid in reminding the child to try and go potty in a fun way. Personally, I suggest a book, DVD and device that works together and has a theme that helps your child become invested in the process.
Well you have come to the right place because the only potty training system out there is the WeeMinder Potty Training Kit. It has a book, DVD, and WeeMinder Watch that work together ingeniously.
1. The book is entitled, “Wally’s WeeMinder Potty Training Adventure”, which showcases Wally the Wallaby who is reminded by his WeeMinder to go to the Potty Place.
2. The WeeMinder DVD is the book coming to life and a music video that teaches the catchy, “Hop to the Potty Place” song.
3. The WeeMinder Watch sings, “Put a big smile on your face and hop, hop, hop to the Potty Place” every hour, two or 2.5 hours.
It is under $20.00 and this potty training aid will hand over the control and pride of potty training to your child. It makes potty training fun and easy. .
So stop beating yourself up for getting upset from the accidents and give yourself a break by using the help of a potty training aid.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
"My son loves Wally and his WeeMinder Potty Watch!"
Below is an email from a happy customer who agreed to let us share her email with you.
"My son loves Wally the Wallaby and his WeeMinder Potty Watch!" When I say love, I mean, love!!! It is the first thing he talks about when he wakes up and the last thing when he goes to bed. He watched the DVD at least five times a day and looks through the book even more. All through the day he talks to his imaginary Wally for play time and all of his drawings involve some part of Wally and the WeeMinder gang.
Should I worry that he is overly obsessed? He has been potty trained for months now, but still continues this behavior. We were wondering if you had thought about a sequel to the DVD and book because we are getting a little tired of singing the song and hearing the story over and over! No offense!!!
We are thankful for the WeeMinder and wanted to share are funny story with you."
Sally & Family
Santa Cruz, Cali.
Thanks Sally & Family! You are not alone! We have heard similar stories from other families and although we do not have a sequel to the Potty Adventure, we do have another children's product that showcases another member of the WeeMinder Gang and it does have Wally the Wallaby in it. We will keep you posted!
Thanks so much for sharing your funny story about your son's addiction to the WeeMinder Potty Watch and story! Don't worry, I don't think you should be concerned. He will outgrow it EVENTUALLY!!!:)))
potty watch
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Potty Training & Inventing?
Before our daughter, Sydney, was potty trained, we tried everything from wearing pull-ups to only underwear, to bribing, disciplining, and we often lost our temper. We were so frustrated and felt like we would be fighting dirty diapers, urine stained laundry, bedding, and embarrassing accidents for the rest of our lives. She wet on our couch, on the carpet, and in her car seat several times. I felt like a failure as a parent and finally hit the Internet to seek help because I was too embarrassed to tell anyone how bad our potty training problem was.
I was shocked at how much information there was on the subject-over a million websites!
Many said the same things like:
• never lose your temper or show your frustration.
• try and make it fun
• try and give your child control
• monitor when they are wetting
• set a schedule to use the bathroom every 2-3 hours
Much of the advice was helpful, but I wished there was a product that could...
help to make it fun, give the child control, and help remind us to practice going to the bathroom every 2-3 hours. You know, like a watch the child wears that plays a song every 2 hours to remind them to go potty.
When I told my friends about my idea, they thought it was brilliant and encouraged my husband and I to invent it and bring it to market. My husband and I had never done anything like that before being a teacher and Inside-Salesman.
So, back to the Internet we went to research how to bring a product idea to market. Writing the fun potty training book, and producing the Hop to the Potty Place song was fairly easy, but the actual watch device would be $40,000 dollars just to engineer the chip to play ten seconds of the song every hour, two and/or three hours.
Before committing so much time and money to a project, we wanted to test the idea. So, we bought an $80.00 dollar hand-held digital recorder and put the song on it. We tried it, we had friends, family, neighbors, and friends of friends try it out on their potty trainers. Along with the digital recorder, we gave them a copy of the book, the DVD of the story and music video and a Potty Chart.
The results were very encouraging. We have testimonials from parents saying they tried the doll and that didn’t work, they tried everything, but this was the only thing that worked…. Within two weeks or two days…my child was potty trained… We had pediatricians, child psychologists, and medical professionals test our product and each one wished they had one for their children and endorsed it.
Now we sell our product on our website, Amazon, through a national distributor and in a few Walmarts in the US. We have learned a lot and have more product ideas we are bringing to market. It was hard-work, but we learned a lot and it was so worth it!
Oh and by the way, I can guarantee you will not be suffering through potty training forever! It is never hopeless. Remember, “Put a big smile on your face, and hop, hop, hop to the Potty Place!”
I was shocked at how much information there was on the subject-over a million websites!
Many said the same things like:
• never lose your temper or show your frustration.
• try and make it fun
• try and give your child control
• monitor when they are wetting
• set a schedule to use the bathroom every 2-3 hours
Much of the advice was helpful, but I wished there was a product that could...
help to make it fun, give the child control, and help remind us to practice going to the bathroom every 2-3 hours. You know, like a watch the child wears that plays a song every 2 hours to remind them to go potty.
When I told my friends about my idea, they thought it was brilliant and encouraged my husband and I to invent it and bring it to market. My husband and I had never done anything like that before being a teacher and Inside-Salesman.
So, back to the Internet we went to research how to bring a product idea to market. Writing the fun potty training book, and producing the Hop to the Potty Place song was fairly easy, but the actual watch device would be $40,000 dollars just to engineer the chip to play ten seconds of the song every hour, two and/or three hours.
Before committing so much time and money to a project, we wanted to test the idea. So, we bought an $80.00 dollar hand-held digital recorder and put the song on it. We tried it, we had friends, family, neighbors, and friends of friends try it out on their potty trainers. Along with the digital recorder, we gave them a copy of the book, the DVD of the story and music video and a Potty Chart.
The results were very encouraging. We have testimonials from parents saying they tried the doll and that didn’t work, they tried everything, but this was the only thing that worked…. Within two weeks or two days…my child was potty trained… We had pediatricians, child psychologists, and medical professionals test our product and each one wished they had one for their children and endorsed it.
Now we sell our product on our website, Amazon, through a national distributor and in a few Walmarts in the US. We have learned a lot and have more product ideas we are bringing to market. It was hard-work, but we learned a lot and it was so worth it!
Oh and by the way, I can guarantee you will not be suffering through potty training forever! It is never hopeless. Remember, “Put a big smile on your face, and hop, hop, hop to the Potty Place!”
potty training
Thursday, November 13, 2008
New Potty Training Breakthroughs!
According to some recent studies in Potty Training, the best way to experience potty training success is to stick to a set schedule. Dr. Brasch, Dr. Thompson and others hail the WeeMinder as the best potty training tool out there to keep everyone on schedule, while making the whole process fun.
#1. Make potty training fun!
#2. Visit the potty every 2-3 hours.
#3. Praise the potty trainer.
#4. Give the potty trainer control.
These of four important things to consider when potty training. The WeeMinder is the best and easiest way to ensure potty training success.
#1. Make potty training fun!
#2. Visit the potty every 2-3 hours.
#3. Praise the potty trainer.
#4. Give the potty trainer control.
These of four important things to consider when potty training. The WeeMinder is the best and easiest way to ensure potty training success.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Potty Training Power Struggle
Can anyone out there relate to this potty training power struggle?
My daugher Sydney hides her wet underwear under her bed, in her closet, and in her drawers or even backpacks or purses instead of putting them in the wash. She just lays in her pee-soaked bed until morning and can go all day wearing wet underwear.
Yes, you are not alone. This is one of the reasons we went to so much work to create the WeeMinder. We made mistakes and maybe you have to. We punished and scolded and clearly showed our frustration with the wetting accidents!
All of that must stop for you to see any improvement. The WeeMinder will help give the child control and make it fun. It will turns things around and the power struggle will definitely be turned around significantly!
Don't beat yourself up for getting frustrated. That is normal! Now you know better and plan ahead what you are going to do when they have a potty accident to make sure you don't blow it again!
Breath and let the WeeMinder do the rest!
It can really help eliminate the Potty Training Power Struggle very soon!
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